Conglomerate Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock comprised of grains of varying sizes embedded in a fine-grained matrix. Because the grain size ranges widely, both the texture and hold types are variable. Dolomite Dolomite is a grayish sedimentary rock very similar to, but slightly harder than limestone. Gabbro Gabbro is a dark-coloured igneous rock made up of plagioclase feldspar, pyroxenes, and olivine. Crystals are visible, sharp, and very hard on the finger tips! Problems on gabbro boulders tend to have more edges and crimps and less pockets. Gneiss Gneiss is a banded metamorphic rock typically formed from metamorphosed granite. Bands of granular minerals, like quartz and feldspars, alternate with bands of flaky minerals, like micas. Gneiss has a granular texture that isn't too tough on the finger tips. Its banded nature can provide a lot of intermediate footholds. Granite Granite is an igneous rock comprised of quartz, feldspar and mica minerals. Granites most often have visible pink, white, and black mineral grains of varying size. Small-grained granites can be relatively easy on the fingers while large-grained granites will destroy your tips quickly. Problems tend to have more edges, crimps and slopers and less pockets. Granodiorite Granodiorite is an igneous rock similar to granite with more plagioclase and less potassium feldspar. Its coloration tends to be darker and less pink than granite. Limestone Limestone is a grayish sedimentary rock made of calcite. It tends to be smooth, relatively easy on the skin, and polishes easily. Limestone problems frequently have pockets. Quartzite Quartzite is a white, coarse-grained rock formed from metamorphosed sandstone. Crystals tend to be very sharp and torture on the skin. Friction is excellent and while the hold types vary, pockets are rare. Sandstone Sandstone is a sedimentary rock formed of consolidated sand-sized grains. While sandstone is unlikely to cut your finger tips, it will grind them down like sandpaper. Friction tends to be excellent and the hold types vary widely. Schist Schist is a metamorphic rock with a foliated texture mostly comprised of platy minerals like micas and chlorite. Because the minerals form smooth, parallel sheets, friction is often low and climbing on schist is easy on the fingers. Problems often have crimps and slopers, but rarely pockets. |
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